The Challenge
Our client was facing receiving delays and missed delivery by dates of their import goods, because of failures to perform by their 3PL. The initial solution was to add a secondary partner to help add capacity.
As a result, visibility to goods in transit, and the expected delivery dates became even cloudier. Balancing the workload across multiple providers created increased complexity and cost.
The complexity of managing and communicating with multiple providers, as well as doubling the invoicing and AP efforts, and late deliveries continuing,
The MITCO solution was focused on three main components, Technology, KPI’s and Process. By utilizing the MITCO PO Management Program, and developing automated data extract and feeds, and by developing improved processes with defined KPI’s and real time reporting, we created a vision the client found compelling.
MITCO Solution
MITCO partnered with the client to develop a custom feed from clients SAP systems, and into the MITCO M-Power PO Mange program. The operations group built a documented SOP process, and committed a distribution footprint to meet volumes and requirements. And the transportation team sourced and contracted primary and secondary carriers for all lanes.
The Results
MITCO’s single source solution, with improved EDI and operational execution provided the solutions and results the client needed. The benefits we delivered were:
Visibility- From on the water, at the port, through the warehouse and in transit to the clients warehouse, the client has visibility to inventory flow from a single portal
Operational Performance- With real time performance reporting through the client and MITCO had the ability to not only see results of completed deliveries, but those in transit.
Flexibility- Using interactive portal, the client was able to prioritize hot items, PO’s and containers, all the way up through delivery of the containers.
Costs- By moving to a single source solution, eliminating delays and needing to expedite shipments, the MITCO solution delivered a lower Total Landed Cost.
As a result, our client now has the control and flexibility it needs in a more reliable operating platform to keep up with its buyers and customers’ demands while ensuring an efficient supply chain.